Back from the dead

Admittedly I have never been particularly good at updating my blog. A ten-year delay to the next update must be a new record though.

So what happened?

In a nutshell: Game development happened. When my work at Nokia came to an end after that ill-fated marriage with Microsoft, I decided that it was a good time to realize a childhood dream and try to make games for a living. It’s been a wild ride, and I will probably use upcoming posts to catch up on many of those events. For now, I just want to bring this blog back to life.

I’ve long given up on ever becoming a regular blogger, that’s just not me. For the longest time, I thought that keeping a blog probably is not very valuable if I don’t have the discipline to write regularly and thus build up an actual readership.

What changed my mind was when I decided to get back into web/app development and tried to remember what I used to do before games. Not much survived from that time, so this blog ended up as my only real connection to that past. Reading through old posts didn’t just put me down the memory lane and made me remember work I had long forgotten, it also provided me with confidence and material to build an initial portfolio. It may not really feel like “me” any longer, but I am still extremely glad that it exists.

That experience made me realise that it really doesn’t matter how often I update my blog, or how many people may end up reading it. There is immeasurable value in simply having a track record of my activities. Also, while many personal websites and blogs have come and gone, it is the trusty old hosted WordPress blog that has survived. WordPress may not be young and fresh any longer (ironically I was asking about modern blog platforms in one of my last posts on here), but there is something reassuringly steadfast about it.

Going forward, my plan is to keep this blog alive and use it as the origin for everything else. From here I will mirror posts to a personal site to make even more sure that nothing can possibly get lost. And a few articles I will crosspost to sites like or Indie Hackers as appropriate.

I’ll mostly be writing about Flutter and the Go app I am working on (Go as in the game, not language), but I’ll also practice keeping myself brief and to the point.

One response to “Back from the dead

  1. welcome back 🙂

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